Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Using Cellphones in the Classroom

Cellphones can be a valuable addition to any classroom under the right conditions. Students love being able to use their devices, and usually don’t even mind sharing. Here are some ways to use cellphones in an appropriate manner in the classroom. This study shows just how much cellphones and technology are beginning to impact education. When over 73% of teachers say that cellphones play a role in their classroom, it’s important to look at their value.
Quick Assessment:
Cellphones can be great for a quick assessment or exit ticket that takes almost no effort on the part of the teacher. Sites like PollEverywhere allow teachers to create questions that students can text their responses to instantly. Their answers pop up on the screen as they send them in, and it can generate thoughtful conversations. There are even options for students to answer online in the event they don’t have a cellphone.
Connecting with Students and Parents at Home:
Gtext is a site that allows teachers to send free text and email alerts to an entire group. This can be useful when reminding students to study for a test, or notifying them of changes in assignments. This free resource allows the members of the group choose how they want to be notified.
Teaching Appropriate Use of Social Media
This site offers a PDF of some social media tips that students might find helpful. Some tips include: socializing, down time is good, Keeping your phone personal, valuing your media presence, and keeping safe. This site also offers some etiquette rules, but some of them actually seem rude and might not be so appropriate for students (Booty texting??) However, some of the suggestions were good, like remembering to respond to phone calls and texts quickly, and staying off the phone in public places like trains and airports.