Sunday, November 18, 2012

Researching The Great Depression

To Kill a Mockingbird 
Preparing to read with a web-quest

Our class is about to start reading the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird. But before we begin, the students need to know some basic information about The Great Depression. There is so much history and information that the students need to know, I am afraid a lecture from me would bore them to tears. That's where Edmodo comes in! The students completed a webquest using Google to find out how life was different in 1933 vs. today. Many of them were surprised to hear how high the unemplyment rate was back then! They also looked up major events from each year following the stock market crash of 1929. 

Students used a timeline from PBS to find out about important events, and each group picked one for each year. It was interesting to see how different groups chose different events as important.

Example from Edmodo

Once they finished the webquest, students went on to the New York Times website to view a slideshow of photos from The Great Depression. They chose one photo and wrote a paragraph explaining why they chose it and how it would feel to be the person in the photo.

Overall, this lesson served as a great introduction to The Great Depression where students were able to gather their own information and compare their lives today with those of the people who lived then. There is a great deal of talk today about how bad our economy is, but many students were able to see how lucky we are after researching this time period. 

Student Examples

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