Thursday, November 29, 2012

The 6 Word Memoir

I have heard of the 6 Word Memoir before, but I have never found a use for it in my classroom. This year, I taught the novel Monster in which a young boy creates a memoir in the form of a script of a murder trial in which he is involved. My students seemed particularly interested in the movie aspect, and I wanted to give them the opportunity to tell their story. 

Clicking the link below will take you to the website I used for this lesson. Rather than a PowerPoint or a worksheet, I created an interactive website with all of the examples, explanations, and instructions for creating their own video memoir.

My students really seemed to enjoy watching the videos with samples of 6 word memoirs. I told them that when they created their own, honesty was the most important aspect. Their work was outstanding and their memoirs really came from the heart. Below is an example I did with my Heather Ridge Students.

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