Friday, January 4, 2013

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is an essential skill that we as teachers must be instilling in our students, especially those of us who use extensive technology in the classroom. This is a topic that I wanted to get a jump start on, particularly seeing as it will be a part of the Common Core Curriculum that will be upon us shortly. The few days before break were chaotic at LHS, the students were antsy to start break and so were the teachers. However, a few students took it upon themselves to use social media to terrorize our students and make them afraid to come to school. This was an added challenge to the already crazy few days before break, but not one that we were unable to overcome.

When we returned from break, I decided to get a jump start on my digital citizenship lesson. I created a digital citizenship pledge on a collage website, The New Hive. In fact, this pledge was so popular that they featured it on their home page!


I brought up the pledge on my Promethean board and talked about the implications of Digital Citizenship with my Read 180 Intervention students. We watched a couple of videos that highlighted the different aspects of what it means to be a digital citizen as well. When we finished, I turned on "edit" mode and opened up the "sketch" feature on the New Hive website. The students were then able to sign their names all around the pledge.

Next, the students used my student account to each create their own collage about what digital citizenship means to them. Some were more detailed than others, but overall the website allowed my students to use pictures and words to indicate what they thought it meant to be a digital citizen. I printed all of these collages and posted them near the door along with our signed pledge, hopefully this will help them remember to be good digital citizens!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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