Monday, January 14, 2013

Narrative Story with a Comic

One of the major curriculum elements of the 9th grade ELA curriculum is the narrative story. Students analyze narratives for elements of a story including plot, characterization, setting, details, and more throughout the semester. As the year-end, culminating project, students create their own narrative story that contains all of the elements we learned in class. I love this assignment because it offers so much opportunity for differentiation. As a teacher of all levels of 9th grade, I like being able to adapt this project to a variety of learners and needs.

When the narrative stories are finished, the students will use the website Pixton to create a comic strip that goes along with the story. This is a great website to use in the classroom, particularly when the students range as much as mine do in abilities. Pixton allows me to provide the students with a huge level of differentiation that is not apparent in the finished product.

Some of our finished products below:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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