Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome to Digital English Class

The beginning of a new semester always brings its share of headaches, particularly for a class like mine where I expect my students to use a great deal of technology. Teaching the students how to use all of the technologies we will be using over the semester is extremely important for time saving later. This is why I developed a scavenger hunt to teach the students how to use all of the major web-tools we will use in class.

Students learn how to use the student drive by opening the document, and how to re-save to their "My Documents". They learn how to use all of my most used webtools like Edmodo, Quizlet, and my Weebly site. The scavenger hunt leads them through every type of activity on Edmodo, creating a Quizlet account, and finding their homework and other resources on my Weebly site. At the end, they complete a poll with PollEverywhere and store he number in their phones for future use.

This lesson takes a long time, but it saves so much time later that I won't need to use explaining how to use technology. The document I use is below!

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